Fall Break in Cincinnati

    My roommate invited me to her house in Cincinnati for fall break this year, since I live 8 hours away and she’s only a 2-hour drive. We have had this planned since last spring, so I was very excited when the weekend was finally here. We left campus on Friday night after we were finished with classes so that we could start with a tour of Cincinnati bright and early on Saturday morning. We have done a lot these past few days and will be headed back to ONU tomorrow afternoon.

    On Saturday, we started with a hearty breakfast of scrambled eggs and toast. Then we drove to the Spring Grove Cemetery/Arboretum. We walked around for about an hour and a half, looking at the grave markers and the plant life. It was beautiful there, especially all the huge trees and the massive crypt. All of the architecture and the details that went into each of the markers was incredible. After we left Spring Grove, we drove over the Kentucky border and had lunch in Newport. It was my first time being in Kentucky, so I was pretty excited. We walked across the Purple People Bridge and took pictures on the state line – with one foot in each state. After we left Newport, we made our last stop of the day in Ault Park, which had a gorgeous view from atop the hill.

    On Sunday, we drove around Indian Hill and I was mesmerized by all of the HUGE houses there. Then we went shopping at the Kenwood Mall and I was able to buy some gifts for my brother’s upcoming birthday. Later that night, I went to Graeter’s for the first time and got some dairy-free ice cream. Yum!

    Today, we went to a farm in the morning and picked out some pumpkins to put in our apartment and we made some new animal friends. Later this evening, we are going to take a hike by the nature center and stop by the grocery store. Then, tomorrow afternoon, we will be headed back to Ada! I’d say this weekend was an awesome one and I really enjoyed myself. Fall break in Cincinnati was a blast!


  1. Hey Emily! Your weekend sounds awesome! It's so cool that you went and had your lunch in Kentucky since it's so close to Cincinnati. Traveling around the city and seeing all it has to offer sounds so fun. It's great that you've had this planned out for so long, I'm glad you guys were actually able to do the trip! Maybe Thanksgiving break, your roommate will come home with you for a tour!

  2. Emily, it sounds like your weekend was packed with tons of fun! That's awesome that you got to tour Cincinnati and even spend a little time in Kentucky. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do, so I can definitely relate to how much you enjoyed getting to travel a bit over this fall break. I love that you got to make some new animal friends while picking pumpkins, the sounds so fun!


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