Chapter 8 Reflection

    I do not have Pinterest, but I am not really sure why. I think my main reason for not adding it was because I didn’t think I could handle another social media site. However, I use multiple sites already and Pinterest seems like a site that I would enjoy.

    In my Voice & Movement class yesterday, my group was looking up inspiration images on Pinterest for our group movement piece that we are creating ourselves. When I told them that I didn’t have Pinterest, they all seemed surprised. I’ve never really thought about why I didn’t have Pinterest until yesterday in class.

    According to Chapter 8 in “Essentials of Social Media Marketing”, you can pin images and videos to different boards, which are clusters of related ideas. You can share your boards with other people and save boards from others, too. There are a lot of times where I take artistic inspiration from images – both in my professional field of theatre and elsewhere. This is one of the big reasons why I would like to try out Pinterest for myself.

    Another element I found in the book was the description section of each pin board. A brand can put in a description with key words, a call to action, and many other important pieces you may find in a bio on another social media site. Having a description makes it easier to find pins and boards that you are interested in and makes it easier for brand boards to be found.

    I am hoping to download Pinterest today and make some of my own pins and pin boards. I will let you know what I think! 😊


  1. That’s cool that your two classes lined up and covered Pinterest so close together. Did you notice anyone using Pinterest the way the book described during your exploration in your other class? That’s also nice that you were able to find another platform that seems to match your interests. It’s always fun to find a new place that has content you are interested in.


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